Here are a few examples of how Malvern Hills NILS has helped people

Case 1: Single mum with 2 children

This client lives in Malvern and is a single mum with two children. She attended the assessment with her
carer. She receives universal credit and child benefit and was in desperate need of a washing machine.

Malvern NILS have close arrangements with local suppliers and purchased the washing machine on her behalf which was delivered and installed within 2 days. The machine now belongs to the client who entered a no interest loan agreement and is repaying the £280 cost by standing order over 12 months at £21.25 per month after paying an initial £25.00 first payment.

Case 2: Single dad with 2 children

This client was referred from the Malvern Job Centre. He is single dad with two children aged 12 and 10. He receives universal credit which includes child benefits and help with his housing costs. His cooker had failed.

Following his assessment we provided and installed a cooker which cost £300 and which he is repaying by standing order at a monthly rate of £22.90 over 12 months having made a £25.00 first payment.

Case 3: Young married couple with four children

This couple with four children, the youngest is a toddler, approached NILS for carpets to replace existing worn linoleum. Dad worked but was on a low wage and there was nothing to spare at the end of the month.

With such a large family the cost of food was a large part of their outgoings and review of their budget suggested that by using a low cost supermarket, they could make  substantial savings.

We provided the carpets they required for £300. They will repay the loan by standing order over 12 months at £25 per month. Additionally, we were able to access a source of refurbished furniture which served their needs for additional beds which was without cost to them as a discretionary grant was accessed.

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